Learn to sell $5,000 to $20,000+ websites every single month and grow a real web business without playing freelance games.

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Why Wait for Change When You Can Control Your Own Income Now?

If you could avoid years of struggle and see real success right now, wouldn’t you want that?

If you knew the techniques other designers use to land $5,000, $10,000, and even $20,000+ deals,
wouldn’t your life change really fast?

Change doesn’t come to those who wait. It starts when you take action and force yourself to get results.

I know what it’s like to be overworked and underpaid...

When I first started I didn’t have coding experience, no sales skills either. Also I was pretty much broke. Without recapping my whole life story, let’s just was rough.

I basically begged for work on freelance sites just to get a start. My approach to “winning” projects? I was the freelancer who did the most work for the least pay. I’d work week-long projects for a couple hundred bucks - and clients still demanded more.

Several months went by and I was still making nothing. The more I tried the more businesses could see I desperately I needed the work. Clients would mess me around with pay, dozens of unneeded changes, and ridiculous demands. When you don’t know your worth there are a lot of people waiting to take advantage.

And it got worse. I ended up in a bad place. Less savings than when I started. No idea how to find proper clients. No ability to create real sales.


What I did wrong...

When I look back on those times, I realize I made a lot of amateur mistakes. Simple mistakes that held me back from my true potential and worth.

  • I found clients in all the wrong places and in the worst possible ways
  • Poor sales skills had me trying too hard and looking desperate
  • So I ended up doing way too much work for too little pay
  • Plus I had no idea I could bill $10,000 to $20,000 or more per project
  • Worst of all, my business wasn’t a business, I’d created a myself a job


So What Changed?

How did I go from struggling for months just to sell a $200 website to earning over $100,000 the next year? Easy (sort of) I just switched from being a code-focused designer to a student of digital sales.

I realized if I wanted to earn serious money, I had to make my clients even more. This is where most designers mess up. You see, high-profit clients don’t pay for websites, they pay for results (sales). Small clients, on the other hand, tend to focus on stuff that doesn’t matter. That’s why they’re small. And because they’re small, they have a little budget. Yet still they expect the world.

High-profit clients don’t care how long you work or how many pages you build. They don’t even care what the website looks like as long as it works. They just want you to build something that makes them more money. So when you’re the person who does that, you become the in-demand designer who can charge whatever you want. Make sense?


How to become an in-demand web designer...

When push comes to shove, it boils down to your ability to sell. You can be the best coder in the world, but if you can’t sell yourself, and if your websites don’t make clients money, you won’t get very far. That’s why you don’t have to be the best designer. You don’t even have to be that good. You just have to be smart and learn how to sell. To sum it up, here’s what in-demand web designers do that everyone else doesn’t:


  • They attract the right sort of clients who are willing to pay big money
  • They know how to communicate in a way those clients respond to
  • They don’t use spammy sales tactics because they know how real sales work
  • They close great deals that are focused on the value they can deliver
  • They organize other freelancers so they can build a team to get more done
  • They see websites as sales systems, not fancy code and flashy design
  • They focus on what matters and pick clients who feel the same way
  • They deliver what they promise and leave customers feeling great
  • They are always in demand and never struggle to find awesome projects


The best web designers have mastered sales and left freelancing behind. They operate in a completely different world. They sell at the highest levels. That makes all the difference.

"The biggest contribution that joining the Fox Pro Sales Group has done for my website design business has been providing me with a team of experts to help with real-time challenges that may come up. These challenges include prospecting, sales calls, pricing and proposal email questions, general strategy questions for my business, website feedback for client drafts and most importantly - dealing with scope creep in projects and how to not get taken advantage of by difficult clients. After just starting my website design business around 10 months ago, with Rob's help and the community, I was able to lock in roughly $12,000 in revenue to my business from 2 high-value contracts in the span of a few weeks. "

Dan Bergano

Massive Adobe CC Student Discount

Get ALL Adobe apps (including Photoshop, Lightroom, Indesign, Illustrator, Premiere and more) for the lowest rates possible as part of the Pro Sales group. All our members are eligible for the student discount! This alone will save you over $360 a year! We also have 10% OFF Beaver Builder, 20% OFF Content Snare, and more deals coming soon...

Adobe Creative Cloud Student Discount

60% OFF ($360 annual savings)!

What Do Our Members Say?

I wanted to learn how to sell my services and be able to charge the right amount without feeling like I have to compete with the budget peolpe out there. The group has really helped understand prospecting and sales, how to target the right people and how to position yourself in the right way to be able to ask for those higher numbers. The support and success stories from others is also very inspiring. If you are a web designer or developer or just starting out in the field and you want to start getting your own clients then this group is great!

- Brian Howlett; Manchester, UK

 Fox Pro Sales Members is a great community to talk about sales and business development for web design (and digital agency) businesses.  It's just nice to talk to people in motion and who ask sensible questions or have interesting stories to tell. I would recommend the group to people who want to improve their sales and grow their web design business.  It's super value for money if people participate, and you're super active and give very in depth responses.

- Andy Black; Ireland

My main reason for joining the group was to learn selling my services. The group has helped me in reaching out to customers and creating an effective sales process for my agency. Currently I am no longer afraid to cold call leads, and have been consistently generating more leads. If you join, the group will be very helpful towards generating sales that you need for your agency.

- Justin Cuizon; Cebu City, Philippines

 I have been a very introverted person and felt comfortable just doing coding and computer work. After joining the group, personally, the biggest result has been getting over my fear of talking to strangers over the phone. With an exact strategy in mind and the motivation the group has given me, I started to enjoy what I once feared. We did our first ever project about two months ago and have managed to build up a nice portfolio since then. Now we are trying to get our first big deal (3k+) and start to live off our new business.

- Anton Wieprecht; Heidelberg, Germany

99% of business communities (both online and offline) are more or less BS. The other 1% is gold. And this group is in the 1%. I've joined to learn solid sales skills, which most of the business people (not only freelancers/designers) don't have. I've improved in many areas, including my sales skills - asking right questions and processes; mindset - helping people, thinking about value, not about money; support - just knowing that I'm not alone in this.

- Hubert Jaworski; Wroclaw, Poland

I literally didn't know how to sell my services before joining. I've learned how to sell, that building a website is the easy part, but building a website that delivers is the important bit and adding value to someones business will make me stand out from the crowd. I've improved a lot when it comes to confidence when pitching. If you join, you'll receive life changing tips and advices and will be supported throughout the hard long way to successful web design business! You'll thank me later.

- Plamen Enchev; Worthing, UK

What You Will Learn:

  • How to find and attract the best, high-paying clients who are easy to work with, and what to look for and how to reach out in a high-value way.
  • How to build a business people trust and are willing to work with. How to effectively pre-sell your services so clients feel confident in you before you even start to sell.
  • How to create a personal brand that frames you as an expert so clients are happy to let you call the shots on projects and are willing to pay you even more.
  • Learn real sales skills that work. Discover what makes the difference between struggling to sell $200 projects and confidently landing $20,000+ sales.
  • Learn to manage big projects. Ensure you actually make a profit. Project management is often overlooked and can turn profitable jobs into projects that go months over schedule if you’re not careful.
  • • Learn real business skills. Cold calls, emails, copywriting, marketing, branding - all the not so little stuff that adds up in a big way. While the competition is only focused on design and coding, you’ll learn exactly what you need to sell.

What You'll Get: 

  • Community. Progress alongside 160+ other dedicated web designers. Get feedback, support, and insight from people who are motivated to succeed. Pro Sales is a tight knit private community where we help each other get to the top. Get support and advice daily or whenever you need it.
  • Coaching. Use the private FB group to request insight on any topics you need help with. Get personal feedback on cold calling, sales pitches, emails and messaging, invoices, project management, pricing, prospecting, outsourcing - whatever you need. Skip years of trial and error by using what already works.

  • Video Learning Resources. Every week we break down top resources from numerous world experts to help you succeed. Get a yearly $10,000+ education in business and sales for less than a dollar a day. You get to quickly discover the main takeaway points, how to take action on these points right now, and how others in the group are applying this knowledge to their own businesses.

  • Student Discounts and Sales Library. We have a growing library of student sale breakdowns. See what has worked for others when it comes to closing high-ticket sales. We’re also working on exclusive student deals and discounts - making the group pay for itself.

Ready to Learn to Sell $5,000 to $20,000+ Websites?

Click the button below to start your free trial and get an instant access to the Facebook group community, library of videos, and private resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

- A private, dedicated FB group:
This is a really high level group with massive engagement and 240+ committed members.
- Online resources library:
This is full of training videos on sales, persuasion, people skills, prospecting etc. Every month we add new resources to grow your skills and your income.
- Student deals and discounts:
60-70% off Adobe (save $360+ a year), 10% off Beaver Builder, 20% off Content Snare, and more coming soon.
- Private Forum:
A private forum to get the exact info you need and connect with other motivated members. This launches end of Nov 2018 and will be for members only.
- Personal Mentoring:
When I first started, I paid a lot for coaching. There weren't any groups like this to join and get direct, dedicated feedback. Once you join, you can post up, tag me, and get my personal input on the topic you need help with.

One month. After that, it is charged at $29/month. You can cancel at any time or request a refund.

Every month we add at least three major resources related to learning sales or business skills. We also have a growing number of sales breakdowns as well as high quality Facebook group interaction and feedback.


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